Leaving Etsy
Due to rising transaction fees on Etsy, I have decided to close my shop on the site. I am currently working on building an online store on my website. Everything that was available in my Etsy store will soon be available here on the site. I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Attending Belliveau Market
Good News! The Covid regulations have eased, so I will be at the Belliveau farmer’s market this Saturday! I can’t wait to see you! and if not, you can buy my photo note cards here at my new online store!: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/LitttleBrownBird
Market update and online store
Due to current covid regulations…
Hello Everyone!
Because of current Covid-19 regulations, I am unable to sell my products at the Digby and Belliveau farmer’s markets because they are not essential. Fear not, however as I still have my booth(s) booked, so as soon as the regulations ease I will be attending both markets.
And here’s some good news! I now have an online store on Etsy! (Link here: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/LitttleBrownBird ) As you can see I am very excited so please check it out!
Please stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you this summer!